The Way To Set Up Wordpress More Than Once In Your Hosting Accounts

Keep headers/logos under 125 pixels high. It takes up valuable viewing space, especially for laptop users, that is best left for the good stuff to appear"above the fold" Take a cue from the big companies, simple logos done well say it all. This is our #1 pet peeve - screaming logos and headers!

Besides the text and graphics you're creating, you'll require a backup and protection option for your website. how to fix hacked wordpress site is significant, and if you do not protect and back up your site you could lose important data and information which may be hard to restore. You don't want to need to start over from scratch after you have done all that work, so be sure you're secure.

This is great news as it means that there is a community of developers and users who can further improve the platform. However there is a significant group of people trying to achieve something, there will always be people who will try to take them down.

You also need to set the"Anyone Can Register" in Settings/General to away, and you should have some type of spam plugin. Akismet is the one I use, the old standby, but there are many of them these days.

In addition to adding a secret key to your wp-config.php document, also think about altering your user password into something that is strong and unique. A great idea is to avoid phrases, use upper and lowercase letters, and include numbers, although wordPress will let you know the strength of your password. helpful site It's also a good idea to change your password frequently - say once.

Implementing all the above will take less than an hour to finish, while creating your WordPress site much more resistant to intrusions. Sites were cracked last year, mainly explanation due to preventable security gaps. Have yourself prepared and you are likely to be on the safe side.

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